Saturday, 29 October 2011


NO. This blog is not dead.

Eventho some of you might think so...

I have to say, that I've reached 4 followers, from which 2 of theme are people I don't know in person, and because of the lack of my posts, I think this is just an awesome achievemnt. Ofc I'm hoping for more followers... just because I have something to say in my way.

I owe you all a huge apologie.

Years back I thought that I could write a blog. A blog which is based mostly on girly stuff like make up, which I am a huge fan of. But I couldn't.

I have an inspiration block since the start of the year 2006, just after I stopped beeing depressed. And from that time till today, huge changes took place in my life. Of all kinds. Love, work, school, family... And finally, today, I feel like myself again. Like I can do something just because I want to. Just because I feel like doing it. And that's huge for me.

I feel normal again. I can do stupid things again and in the end laugh at it. I was always full of jokes and action and energy. Even with the lack of sleep (that what art school does... takes your sleeping time away!) and maybe lack of finances.

I live by myself from january 2005. Because my parents split up. My mother then in a month or something moved to Sicily, Italy, at her new boyfriend's place. I felt so alone and without any meaning. But then my real friends helped me survive. And I finally recovered from all the hurt and stuff I was dealing with in all those years.

I'm not blonde anymore, now I'm into reddish again. Like I used to. I love red! In every way and everywhere! Especially in my hear! :D So I'm really me again.

This post is not supposed to make you fel pity for me. Stuff happen. Life is life. Shit can happen (like D-12 used to say). And it's okay. Because I believe that everyone should survive in their own way. Should find their inner power to challenge themeselves and win those challenges.

So keep up on your inner power and express yourself in the best way!

Next time a more beauty post! ;)


1 comment:

Nastja said...

can´t wait for your new posts :)